Friday 23 August 2013

Since there's time....

Hey people! :)

I'm back for a short post since I've got some free time now that I don't have assignments yet and so on.
I just realised I haven't posted pictures for my farewell!!!

I met up with Eunice, Wei Ting & Ai Ling for dinner the day before I flew. Had a lot of fun interrogating Eunice. Hahaha. And they wrote me farewell letters!!! :')

& then I met up with the clique for supper the same night. Huimin insisted on buying me lunch since I was flying. :'''''') 爱死你了!!!!

& not forgetting my friends of 8 years and counting! :')

& then on the night of my flight, these dearest people came to send me off! Thank you so much guys! I really hope I could meet up with you guys on Monday afternoons for lunch and do some match-making. :( And why does Yumin still has that mama-san vibe????

P/S: I had some kind of allergy reaction so my eyes look like they are trying REALLY hard to open up. And I look like a swollen glutinous rice ball or something which is really annoying so I didn't post the individual photos. Please do not remember my face in this state. Look at my pretty photos more!!!!

I really look like 7 months pregnant here with a fat face and swollen eyes but Raegan looked too handsome here I can't resist!

& Polaroids after mookata the other day!

Thanks everyone for these farewell stuff!!!

Thank you Val & clique for the pretty booklet!

Liquan, thanks for the chocs & the hand-written card!!!! I really miss your laughter a lot! I used to listen to them everyday and now I won't hear them for a year. :( I really hope to see you soon!

Thanks kor & prospective da sao for the pretty floral scarf! I really love it! :)

I actually giggled a lot to myself reading these stuff on the plane. Teehee!

& Thanks Jean for this wonderful album! Thanks for coming to send me off although you had to come alone! I really appreciate it!

& Finally...

I haven't forgot about you love. Although you couldn't come and send me off, it is okay cuz I know that we've already made the best out of the time we had with each other. :) I'll skype you this weekend! Meanwhile, good luck with all your trainings & driving! I really miss you. I hope you're doing good! <3

I'll probably post pretty photos of myself soon in order to redeem my image a bit.
Good night guys!


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