Tuesday 20 August 2013

A Tar Heel

Time check: 19th August (Monday), 2310

So..it's bedtime and I'm gonna write a quick update! Spent the weekend shopping for necessities and settling down.In the process, I realised how insufficient I have packed for this trip! :( I should've bought more food like instant noodles cuz apparently it's quite hard to find them here. And things like clothes hangers, packet tissues (you won't believe it, I couldn't find regular pocket tissues here. Not even Walmart or Target which are like Mega Watsons/Fairprice Extra in US), utensils and WATERBOTTLE. I swear that I almost died of thirst on Saturday cuz I didn't drink much water during flights and I didn't get to buy bottled water. In addition to that, the weather here is really much more dry as compared to humid Singapore so I have like pretty bad cracked lips.

But I made a trip to Walmart and Target the past few days and everything is pretty much settled and I've bought most of my necessities. I got a Nalgene bottle (which I heard can last you forever) @ only 6USD! I think it's usually 10 over bucks in sg?? I also bought a table lamp & an electric kettle! I really really appreciate how easy it is to get warm water back in Singapore. It's SO difficult to get warm water here! I decided that I should get one since it's only 12USD and I'll need it for warm drinking water, cup noodles etc etc. And with that I probably do not have to get bottled drinking water! The only 2 things I REALLY need to do but have not yet done are getting my phone card and setting up a bank account! I swear to god 7-11 is really the best convenience store ever. You can easily get your prepaid cards no matter the provider or amount!!! Over here they either don't have the micro sim or the nano sim, otherwise they don't have the ones with better coverage etc etc. Anyways, in short, it's really difficult to get a prepaid phonecard so that's the reason why I haven't got to update you guys on my US number. I will try getting it tomorrow!

People in UNC are really nice and friendly! Whether they are the faculty staff, people working in admission offices or the students! Everyone says hi and greet you. We got kinda lost earlier on tonight cuz we didn't know which direction brings us back to our dorms so we were kinda like figuring out which way we should take and 2 persons who were jogging just stopped to help us after seeing our lost faces! :') Singaporeans are probably just gonna look at you with a face as puzzled as you are and continue jogging. Hahaha. #justsaying

Other than that, I'm still trying to familiarize myself with the roads and staff. Every building here looks the same so it's really confusing. I really don't know how long it's gonna take before I dare to walk around alone in the campus. I'll be having my first lesson tomorrow which is Finance and Operations Management. It's been like 3.5 months(?) since I last had to touch a textbook and do assignments. I really hope I can get through it. Haha.

The last thing I'm gonna say here is that I attended the orientation for all exchange students in UNC and it was AMAZING cuz Kah Swee and I found at least 12 other people who are also from NUS but different faculties!!!!! It's so comfortable to finally be able to speak to people who speaks the way you do with all the weird jargons like cui, lah, lor, meh, leh. I heart Singlish. <3 They are really nice too and I guess as a group we are all feeling less Alienic and all. So yeah..

Enough of my ramblings and enjoy some pictures!!!

Took this when I was in Kaga's car. She's Kah Swee's mentor and she picked us up from the airport. She's really nice!

This is the hall I'm staying at, it's called Morrison. And yeah I know it looks pretty much like HDB so it does make me feel quite homely. Haha. Apparently this hall is one of the better halls cuz it's quite new (I think) and it's 10 storeys, higher than most other halls. One more thing is that the whole campus has like 2 package pickup centre and one of them is located right below this building!!! Which means if I order stuff online etc I can pick them up easily from below. :D Hee! 
A random photo I took when I was on my way to Walmart. Rachel, my roommate drove us there! She's really been helpful and kind to me! I'm really happy to have her as my roomie :)

KS and I went for the Convocation on Sunday. It's equivalent to our Freshmen Inauguration Ceremony in NUS except that theirs is WAY more interesting! They really instill A LOT of pride in their students, who are also known as Tar Heels. I posted a instavid on this so check it out!

This place is the Football Stadium! They brought us here during the campus tour. This place is absolutely HUGE. I don't know how accurate my estimation is but it seems like it's almost the size of our indoor stadium!!

And yeah that's all I have for now! I haven't really gotten the chance to take a proper photo of my room cuz I kinda just finished unpacking and I just bought more stuff. I'll probably show you guys what it looks like in my next entry! Overall, it's really quite cosy and I do not have much problems sleeping and getting comfortable here.

I'm gonna go to bed now! Good night people!


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