Thursday 27 February 2014


As I watch Samson go through the gantry and scan the biometric card in his passport, I felt a surge of nostalgia washing through me. It was such a memory-provoking moment. It reminded me of how I felt when it was me going through those gantries 6 months ago. (I cannot believe it's been freaking 6 months!!!!) The excitement I felt as I embarked on my new journey, at the same time the anxiety that embraced me as I wonder if I would get through the days without my closest ones by my side, all of these familiar feelings feel so near yet so far. I really miss the days in Chapel Hill.

But hell no, I'm not gonna digress. Samson's 5 lovely girls crawled out of bed just before dawn today just to make it in time to say goodbye! In a girl-populated clique, Samson's absence would mean the lack of masculinity (which is already scarce to start off with) in all our upcoming gatherings for the year ahead.

Farewell used to be so difficult because it used to be so rare. As we grow up and move into THIS particulat stage of life, where people (in University) are either going on Exchange/studies abroad or people (in NS) are going for trainings/courses for a prolonged period of time. Frequent visits to the airport have become part and parcel of our lives. So now it's Samson's turn to embark on this new journey, overcoming yet another milestone in the pursuit of his Air Force Pilot career.

To Samson Khor, my EGP/friend for almost a decade: Above all that I would want to say to you, please remember tha safety comes first! We all have faith in you and we know you'll definitely make it through. You're one of the toughest person I know. I'm really sorry for writing the smallest note (super not in situation) but every word of blessing is straight from my heart okayz!

Samson had his last breakfast in a long time with us and his family before setting off! (Dude, you're so going to miss local food, speaking from someone who's been there, done that!)

When will you ever have a slightly more normal friendship with Sc? Hahaha.

With everyone's sleepy (and hangover) faces.

Jiayou!!! We'll see you soon! :)

Before Daphne flew back to Melbourne for her final semester, we had a cosy gathering at Golden Mile Complex for some Thai food! Food that I've missed so much but yet to have my craving satisfied! I googled for good Thai food and Nanathai @ Golden Mile Complex seems to offer the most mouth-watering pictures @ affordable prices!

Thai Iced Tea

Young Coconut for me. I hate coconut, for that matter, but I order it because (1) I needed something cooling for my naturally 'heaty' body that's been fighting acne breakout (2) it was such a bloody hot day.

Sambal Kangkong that looks so threatening right here but was in fact pretty spicy. Same goes for the stir-fry minced meat w basil! 

 Tomyum Hotpot


Roasted Chicken

Followed by gelato @ Tom's Palette located in Shaw Towers! 
Salted Caramel Cheesecake + Cookies & Cream!
It is one of the cheapest gelato I've seen!

Many people rave about Aloy Thai and how it is one of the best Thai food they have ever eaten yada yada but I beg to differ. I've only been to Aloy Thai once but I don't find it impressive and I also felt that it was a little overpriced. Nana Thai was very decent for the price it but my favourite remains: Nakhon Kitchen. Although there's always a queue when you go at dinner hours, I think it is definitely worth the wait! This is also despite the fact that the place is like a freaking sauna (at least the one @ Kovan and when you get the seats inside the reataurant), especially when you're already eaing spicy food. But still, it remains as one of the best of my list.

Group pictures to wrap up our fruitful food-hunting day! :)

Sunday 23 February 2014

22 (Part 2)

In the midst of a hectic work week (in view of quiz, interviews and projectssssss), I'm really grateful for the thoughtful ones who make the effort to hold a celebration for me. :')

On my actual birthday (18th Feb), Sissy and BIL bought a pretty birthday cake over to my place! Although Mummy was working and my brother wasn't home, we still went ahead with a mini cake-cutting session!!

Raegan giving me a birthday kiss. (But notice where he is looking at while kissing me ---- the birthday cake....)

 Mini family photo.

Yes Raegan, I can see your drool going all the way to the floor.

And Rae finally got to a bite off that cake!!!

.........before he started getting cranky all over again.

Last Friday, Valerie asked me out for dinner as well as to accompany her to get an anniversary gift. As unsuspecting as I was, I agreed, thinking that it was just going to be the 2 of us...................until she texted me to request for me to 'wear a little nicer'. Hahaha. But anyways, I still acceded to her request and 'wore a little nicer'.

Turns out we were gonna celebrate my birthday at Hog's Breathe @ C.H.I.J.M.E.S with the bunch of people whom I've known for almost a decade! :)

New York Grill 

Grilled Mushroom with Steak 

Valerie's Aglio Olio with no other ingredients at all.... 

Cheese Sticks 

Buffalo Wings 


My $11 Milkshake (that's not even nice)

In my opinion, this place is really over-priced (the milkshake is the champion in this aspect) given the standard of the food. Everything was so-so (I'm not sure about the steak) and my Carbonara was so overwhelming I couldn't even finish half of it. I think it will be the last time I ever visit this place. Maybe I haven't gotten over my western-food-phobia from the prolonged period of being exposed to American food after all.

However, the company was more than enough to make up for it. :)

Weng was wishing me happy birthday and it looked so much like an award-presentation ceremony that we decided to take a picture like that. Hahahaha. 

This Chew Huimin really last warning...... LOL. This was what happened when we tried to find the most photogenic angle. 

Andddd of dearest!
I didn't know if Val invited him until he showed up while we were waiting for out food to be served! :)

Happy birthday to me!!!!


We caught a movie together after dinner (except Valerie). I can't remember the last time we watched a movie together! Despite how difficult it is to get everyone together, rhere were a total of 15 of us and we dominated a whole row in the theater. Haha. 

By the way, 3am (Part 2) is probably the worst movie of the year so please do not bother wasting your time/money watching it in the theaters. All I heard throughout the movie (with Kw and Hm beside me) was, "Wtf is this?!", "Wtf am I watching?!", "Wtf did I just spend $11.50 on?!". I cannot describe the level of angst throughout the movie. Hahahaha.

Once again, thank you so much guys. :)

Tuesday 18 February 2014


Writing this entry as I sit in my most hated class of the semester - MNO2007 Leadership and Ethics. It's even more dreadful thinking about the quiz for this damn mod tomorrow :(

Well, to be fair, I think my prof is a pretty decent prof, he encourages learning and encourages the class to participate. He is also not biased or a leftist. In fact, he is very agreeable. My group mates are also lovely. BUT the nature of this module is just...................annoying. Who the hell learns LEADERSHIP QUALITIES from a textbook???

Anyways, enough of my critics. It's supposed to be a happy day because it's my birthday today! I can't believe I'm officially 22. :( I think the best age is 20. Not yet an adult but passed the age of a teenager. Any age beyond 21 is just...........................let's not talk about it.

Despite my hint of unwillingness, I still had a great weekend celebrating this special day with my poly mates and family. :)

So, on Saturday, Kw brought me out and refused to tell me where we were going. I already knew we were meeting my polymates because Kw is so bad at keeping these things to himself. Hahahahaha. We went to Harbourfront and took a cab into Sentosa Cove!

This is our destination! Kith Cafe @ Quay Side Isle!

The cafe was situated alongside the dock with yachts. It's a beautiful place with a nice ambience!!! (I'm lying cuz I didn't pay much attention to the view at all. Hahahaha.)

Tips to look rich: Have brunch at this place in shorts and tank/t-shirt. So you'll look like you stay in one of the nice houses in Sentosa Cove. Hahahahaha.

Trying out my new camera (birthday present from Kw!) while waiting for the food to be served. I think I am going to be more motivated to blog because of a high quality camera now. Hehehehe.

Kw's breakfast set.

Jason's Smoked Salmon breakfast.

Gamberoni. (I'm getting over my western food syndrome.)


Wagyu Beef Burger! 

Don't remember what this is. Hahaha.


 My first dessert: Chocolate Lava Cake.

I'm so sorry if you're drooling right now. :p

A group photo to wrap up our brunch session. :)

While waiting for our movie, The Book Thief to start, we had a second round of dessert @ Honeymoon Desserts! My favourite chinese dessert place!

That was about it for my day with the polymates. Spent the evening accompany Kw to accompany his PS 3.

Idk his how many inch TV. He loves playing violent games. And I always end up participating in them and bash people up inside the game. HAHA.

For my birthday dinner with the famz, I choose JAPANESE FOOD because it's been a while since I last had good Jap food. And I've learnt that buffet will never offer good Jap food. So here we go to Rakuzen for some ala carte menu!

I googled for a good place to go to and Rakuzen seems to receive pretty good revews!

There's a branch at Tampines and one @ Millenia Walk!

The naughty one.

The other naughty one. Hehe.


Kanimayo Maki 

 Dobin mushi
Beef sukiyaki 

Dai Dai Roll 

Pork roll w Asparagus (not nice in my opinion) 

Chashu Ramen 

The only 2 sashimi I eat: Salmon & Swordfish!

Overall, I think they serve good sushi and sashimi. The other side dishes are average or below average. And it is also not a place for ramen although it doesn't taste awful. I would say the price is a little on the pricier side! I think the bill came up to about $30/pax (a total of 8 of us).

Wrapping up with my birthday present from Sister, Brother-in-law, Brother & future Sis-in-law!

Thank you everyone. :')