Sunday 3 August 2014

Daphne's 22nd!

Short entry on Daphne's 22nd birthday celebration!

We held a small celebration for her at my favourite japanese buffet restaurant: Irodori @ River View Hotel. It's a little bit more expensive than I last remembered. The bill added up to $43 per pax on a Friday night. But for food of such quality, I think it's still worth the money!!!

As we were all famished, I didn't manage to take pictures of most of our food. (Yes I was busy devouring so I forgot.) But I manage to take pictures of our second servings!

 Octopus and Swordfish Sashimi
(Swordfish is the only sashimi I eat besides salmon)

Succulent slices of salmon sashimi

 This is under Irodori Special, IF I didn't remember wrongly, this is called Lobster Roll.
And honestly, given the variety of offerings on their menu, this is the only sushi you need to eat so you won't be too full from the rice!

 Soft Shell Crab Handroll! Super good stuff, I had 2 even though I was already super full!

 The legendary: Teapot Soup. 

It's usually served in smaller teapots but we ordered 10 teapots and only 4 were served after 2 hours. So we asked them to give us a super big pot, which they did!!! This is really a MUST TRY!!!! The last time I was there, I only took a sip to see what it tastes like, and to my surprise, it's super sweet (from the seafood) and sour (from the lime) and refreshing! I subsequently ordered another 3 pots just for myself! This time, I cannot remember how many times Jason and Jiehao (and myself) recited 'teapot soup teapot soup... ...' while we waited impatiently.

I guess it got really popular so the wait for it is unbelievably long. Now that I'm telling you guys........ok I'm regretting already.

Cake cutting time!

They sang a 2nd time for me to take this video lolol

Full attendance again!