Tuesday 18 March 2014

50th & Food Hunt

This post is wayyyyy over due but I still find myself with tons of motivation (despite my busy schedule) to write this blog post because (1) I NEED TO RAVE ABOUT SHIOK MAKI, (2) I NEED TO RAVE ABOUT SHIOK MAKI, (3) I NEED TO RAVE ABOUT MY LOVING BOYF. ^^

Deadlines are piling up and I have ENDLESS WORK to do. It's like a replicate of my Year 1 Sem 1 where somehow my shitty luck has determined that I should have ALL my deadlines around these 3 weeks of school...

So, 3 weekends ago, when I was significantly less busy and could still steal some time to go out on a date, Kw and I decided to give Shiok Maki a try, in part as a celebration of our 50th. I'm always lagging behind people when it comes to trying popular food places. I've seen idk how many people raving about Shiok Maki on Instag and it's finally my turn to try!!!

We went there on a Saturday night, not a very smart move because I HATE LONG QUEUES. But it was a good thing we reached around 5.30-6pm, before the dinner crowd gathered.

I was initially skeptical about the place because I've read about it's situated INSIDE Wisma's Food Republic. I just couldn't imagine how small/cramp the place was gonna be and how long I was gonna have to wait. And I've always imagined it to be just 'one of the teppanyaki stalls' in food courts. Apparently, I was wrong. It is pretty much a decent restaurant, except for the fact that it cannot hold a lot of people at once.

After queuing for 45 minutes, we finally got seated!!!

We were seated in front of the Sashimi/Sushi bar, just drooling at the Sashimi(s).

I don't know how else I can describe sashimi. If you are a sashimi-lover, JUST TRY IT. It's so good we ordered a 2nd serving!

This is my least favourite dish. Or should I say I didn't really like this dish at all. It was some stir-fry pork+ginger dish that had an overpowering ginger taste which I couldn't appreciate. 

Pork Sukiyaki
A pretty big portion and should never be ordered without rice/noodles!

Pork Cheek.
Wanna make a guess how much does this stick of meat pieces cost?

$4!!! Which means 1 piece of it is already $1. It's really pricey. BUT I would say it was worth every cent. I doubted it by its appearance, thinking how nice could this small tiny piece of meat be. I was proven wrong. The meat was SUPER JUICY and tender! Pricey but recommended!

And here comes...........SHIOK MAKI!

It's super flavourful because of the cheese-gravy-thing, yet it wasn't overpowering, aka 'gerlard'. I can still remember how the freshness and tenderness of the salmon and ebi melts and disintegrates on my palate. The juicy fish roes complements the flavour so well! Hmmm....... I think I need to be back soon! Haha.

So the weekend that just past, after neglecting Kw for long enough, he brought me out for brunch @ Lola's Cafe on Simon Road.

We had a tedious journey getting there because of the downpour and we didn't have umbrella with us. When we finally hit the destination, there was a string of people queuing up outside the cafe (and we were starving). Depressing as it is, you just have to queue when you visit popular food places.... Fortunately, because we only had a party of 2, the waiting time was reduced to only 5 minutes!!! Kekeke. Moral of the story: never visit these places during peak hours if you have a huge group.

"Big Breakfast"

Truffle fries
My first bit into it, I felt like it was the best truffle fries I ever had................until I started to realise how oily everything was, I just couldn't bring myself to down it anymore. 

The wings were really tasty at first but they became the Champions of Oiliness. I could literally drip oil out of it. Kw was so disgusted by what I did that he gave up on the wings. Lol.

Warm Apple Cake w Vanilla Ice Cream

I really love desserts and I always say that we all have a separate stomach for desserts, so you can always still have dessert no matter how full you are from the main. But....I think there's no more room for this in my stomach whether or not I feel full from my meal. The cake wasn't as warm as I liked it, and it tasted pretty much just like mushy baked apples that doesn't have much distinct fragrance. The vanilla ice cream was also a disappointment.....

I think overall, the food was reasonably good but choose the right things to order!

Luv you babz <3